BHK-21/WI-2 cells for Generating VSV

These BHK-21 cells are highly transfectable and are used to recover infectious recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (rVSV) as originally described by Lawson et al (5) and modified by Jayakar et al (2), or for the recovery and amplification of replication-restricted ΔG-VSV as described by Whitt (7).

The cells have been characterized by isoenzyme analysis which confirmed that the cells are from Syrian golden hamsters. The cells also have been shown to be mycoplasma-free using the Strategene Mycoplasma Plus PCR Primer Set.

From the laboratory of Michael A. Whitt, Ph.D., University of Tennessee.

The Investigator's Annexe Part of The Investigator's Annexe program.

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BHK-21/WI-2 cells for Generating VSV
1 vial In stock
Regular Price:$402.00
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Product Type: Cell Line
Name: BHK-21
Cell Type: Baby Hamster Kidney
Organism: Mesocricetus auratus(hamster, Syrian golden)
Source: Kidney
Morphology: Epithelial/Fibroblast
Biosafety Level: Bsl-1
Growth Conditions: DMEM + 5% FBS; 37oC, 6-8% CO2
Subculturing: Passage 1:5-1:3 every day, or 1:20 every 2-3 days.
Cryopreservation: 70% DMEM; 20% FBS; 10% DMSO
Comments: For suggested protocol, see: Whitt, MA, J. Virol. Methods, 2010. 169(2): p. 365-74.
Storage: Liquid nitrogen
Shipped: Dry ice

From the laboratory of Michael A. Whitt, Ph.D., University of Tennessee.
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  2. Jayakar, H. R., K. G. Murti, and M. A. Whitt. 2000. Mutations in the PPPY motif of vesicular stomatitis virus matrix protein reduce virus budding by inhibiting a late step in virion release. J. Virol 74:9818-9827.
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