Trypanosoma cruzi CRISPR/Cas9 System

Trypanosoma cruzi CRISPR/Cas9 System plasmids allow for the amplification of a specific sgRNA sequence or express cas9 to generate CRISPR-ablated, red/green fluorescent parasites.


  • CAS9/pTREX-n: S. pyogenes Cas9 sequence with a twice-repeated sequence of the simian virus 40 nuclear localization signal and GFP in the pTREX-n backbone. Used for cloning a specific sgRNA by BamHI, to be co-expressed with Cas9 for genome editing in Trypanosoma cruzi
  • pUC_sgRNA: Contains the empty sgRNA backbone sequence (tracrRNA, 82 bp) and is used as DNA template to amplify a specific sgRNA using a forward primer with the protospacer sequence for gene targeting
  • td Tomato/pTREX-b: Possesses tdTomato synthetic gene and blasticidin S deaminase (Bsd) gene and can be used for cloning a specific sgRNA by BamHI, and then transfect Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes expressing Cas9 (green fluorescent and neomycin resistant) to generate CRISPR-ablated, red/green fluorescent parasites

From the laboratory of Roberto Docampo, MD, PhD, University of Georgia.

The Investigator's Annexe Part of The Investigator's Annexe program.

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Regular Price:$82.00
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Product Type: Plasmid
Name: CAS9/pTREX-n
Gene/insert name: Fusion gene CAS9-HA-2xNLS-GFP
Antibiotic Resistance: Ampicillin
Fusion Tag(s): Fusion gene Cas9-HA-2xNLS-GFP
Grow in E. coli at 37 C: DH5alpha; 37C
Selectable markers: Neomycin (select with G418)
Cloning Site 5': XbaI
Cloning Site 3': HindIII
Insert Size: 4975 bp
Vector Backbone and Size: pTREX-n, backbone size without insert: 6227bp
High or low copy: High
Storage: -20C
Shipped: Ambient temperature


Trypanosoma cruzi CRISPR/Cas9 System Plasmids

Plasmid: CAS9/pTREX-n PUC_sgRNA tdTomato/pTREX-b
Gene/Insert Name: Fusion gene CAS9-HA-2xNLS-GFP TracrRNA sequence tdTomato
Insert Size (bp): 4975 82 1430
Species: Synthetic; Streptococcus pyogenes N/A Synthetic
Fusion Proteins/Tags: Fusion gene Cas9-HA-2xNLS-GFP N/A
Vector Backbone and Size: pTREX-n, backbone size without insert: 6227bp pUCAmp; 3150bp pTREX-b, backbone size without insert: ~5868bp
Cloning Site 5': XbaI 5' Sequencing Primer: M13_fwd20_primer and M13_pUC_fwd_primer XbaI
Cloning Site 3': HindIII 3' Sequencing Primer: M13_rev_primer and M13_pUC_rev_primer HindIII
Antibiotic Resistance: Ampicillin Ampicillin Ampicillin
High or Low Copy: High High High
Grow in Standard E. coli @ 37C: DH5alpha; 37C DH5alpha; 37C DH5alpha; 37C
Selectable Markers: Neomycin (select with G418) Blasticidin
Storage Temperature: -20C -20C -20C
Shipped: Room Temperature Room Temperature Room Temperature
Plasmid Maps


Plasmid map for CAS9-HA-2xNLS-GFP in pTREX-n. Restriction map of molecular constructs generated for the CRISPR/Cas9 system in T. cruzi. Cas9/pTREX-n derived from vectors pTREX-n by insertion of the Cas9-HA-2 NLS-GFP fusion gene through XbaI and HindIII restriction sites.


Plasmid map for td Tomato in pTREX-b_NL. Plasmid contains cytoplasmic red fluorescence and blasticidin resistance and can be used to transfect T. cruzi epimastigotes expressing Cas9 (green fluorescent and neomycin resistant) to generated CRISPR-ablated, red/green fluorescent parasites.

Adapted from: Lander N. et al., mBIO. 2015. 6(4): e01012-15.

From the laboratory of Roberto Docampo, MD, PhD, University of Georgia.
  1. Lander N, Li ZH, Niyogi S, Docampo R. CRISPR/Cas9-Induced Disruption of Paraflagellar Rod Protein 1 and 2 Genes in Trypanosoma cruzi Reveals Their Role in Flagellar Attachment. mBIO. 2015. 6(4): e01012-15.

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