Jonathan G. Scammell, PhD, University of South Alabama

Jonathan G. Scammell, PhD
Jonathan G. Scammell, PhD

Some of the research at Dr. Scammell's laboratory focuses on understanding various molecular mechanisms involved in the endocrine system regulation and steroid hormone resistance in humans, in specific glucocorticoid resistance. Furthermore, the lab has established a lymphoblastoid cell line (SML) by transforming B-cells from another New World primate, the squirrel monkey, using the B95-8 cell conditioned medium. The characterized cell line, re EBV infection (Lab Animal Science 48, 364-370), has been used extensively to study the differential expression of proteins in squirrel monkey cells (e.g. Endocrinology 141, 4107-4113). The team has had great success in finding that the conditioned medium from SML, cultured in their laboratory, could transform human B-cells. It was then discovered that the said conditioned medium from EBV-transformed squirrel monkey cells expressed high levels of EBV and was as infectious as B95-8 cell conditioned medium.




  1. Reynolds PD, Roveda KP, Tucker JA, Moore CM, Valentine DL, Scammell JG. Glucocorticoid-resistant B-lymphoblast cell line derived from the Bolivian squirrel monkey (Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis). Lab Anim Sci. 1998 Aug;48(4):364-70. PMID: 10090044.